Balkan Taxi:
for investors
About our project
Our project is an online taxi booking platform with a user-friendly interface and unique features.

We have a Telegram taxi bot for easy registration and interaction between passengers and drivers without the language barrier.
We are like Uber, only better
Our advantages for inverstors
Achieving cost savings by integrating with Telegram, thus avoiding the need for separate application development.
Facilitating the expansion of the bot into new markets with minimal localization costs.
Our current statistics
We are pleased to present you with our statistics on trips and users starting from May 19, 2023. Currently, since this section was created on July 15, 2023, we are providing access to our statistics through a Google document.

We strive for transparency with our users and future investors, and our next step is to transfer our reporting to the blockchain. This will ensure the reliability and security of data, as well as confirm its continuity.
Contact with founders
We invite you to join our growing project and together turn it into an industry giant.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.
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